I’ve been thinking about publishing a blog for the last few months. I’ve tried this before, and ended up abandoning the whole thing, but this time I’m pretty excited about it and I feel like i’ll be able to keep up bringing updates and keeping it a good read for the target audience, which will mainly be ITSM professionals. English is not my mother language and my posts will be flooded with grammatical errors. I’ll do my best to keep it readable.

I’m using Jekyll as the blogging tool, and for now it’ll be hosted on GitHub. Well, It’ll probably be hosted on GitHub forever, but maybe i’ll get a domain at some point to drop the ‘.github.io’ thing. I’ve chosen this combination because it’s simple, free, and the coolest thing ever. Jekyll provides everything you may need to manage a blog, working just with markdown, and git handles the rest. Pygments provides syntax highlighting ootb, which is great. Oh, and not having to query a db to draw the contents of every page makes this thing FAST.

Jekyll doesn’t provide post comments, and even though Disqus and the sort can be implemented, I’m not liking the idea. If anyone has something to tell me, you can find me on twitter @jmfragadv, and all my code will be hosted on GitHub so you’re more than welcome to open a pull request to correct my mistakes or improve on anything I post. Please do.

I guess that’s it for now. Have a great sunday!